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A member registered Sep 22, 2018

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i've seen these too, and i thought the same thing, i can only assume it's some story thing that will be revealed later?

(1 edit)

heya! i have to say, this game is AMAZING, it is honestly really well written, although there are a few typos and grammar errors, but those are infrequent enough that i always forget there was one at all until the next one shows up, and just in general the cast is extremely likeable and honestly really really well thought out and put together, take for example shino not being as one dimensional as she might seem at first, or, well, literally any of the other characters for that matter.

this is the first pornographic game that i've ever considered spending money on, and i'm a cheap bastard, i HIGHLY reccomend this game,  and i look forward to 1.3 when it comes out

ps. Lucy and Evie best girls